Animal Rights – Interpretation and Justificiation – Towards a UN-Animal Rights Declaration

Aktivität: VortragWissenschaftlicher Vortrag (Science-to-Science)


In this talk, a proposal for a future Universal Declaration of Animal Rights is presented. Alongside the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, this proposal provides a basis for a discussion about animal rights concerning diverse aspects of animal life and the quality of it. Next to the basic and most important rights (right to life, right to proper nutrition and shelter, right to freedom), also social rights (right to enjoy social (and sexual) relationships, family, love, procreation, etc.) and even political rights will be discussed. Additionally, ways of political and juridical representation of nonhuman animals in a society which respects human and animal rights will be thematised. Two major aims of this project are firstly to discuss animal rights regarding many aspects of a "good" animal life and secondly to test our intuitions concerning which rights should justly be granted to animals. As basis for the normative argumentation lies, of course, a more fundamental reflection on what (for example) love or family means for some species. Without this basic reflection on the values necessary for a "good" and "happy" animal life (and the claim that a good and happy animal life is something worth protecting and worth striving for), a normative reasoning for why animals should be granted this or that right would not be thoroughly grounded and thus possibly not strong in its argumentative and persuasive force. Animal dignity is, of course, a central metaphysical concept when it comes to discussing animal rights. This concept will therefore be thematised as well. An intriguing research question is furthermore whether acknowledging animal dignity is a solid foundation for normative ethical reasoning or whether an interest-centred approach would be preferable. A reason for accepting the latter assumption is that "dignity" is a highly metaphysical (maybe even religious) concept whereas interests can be studied from an apparently less problematic biological point of view.
Zeitraum2 Sept. 20154 Sept. 2015
Ereignistitel6th Salzburg Conference of Young Analytic Philosophy
VeranstaltungstypKeine Angaben