Can Agreements on Objectives Provide an Umbrella for all Public Authorities to Gather under? The Case of the Social Welfare Administration of Berlin

Aktivität: VortragWissenschaftlicher Vortrag (Science-to-Science)


The German capital city of Berlin is deeply indebted to the amount of about € 60 bio. The implementation of the local model of performance management therefore had a strong focus on efficiency and effectiveness questions and the clear-cut goal was to reduce debts - besides its function of supporting accountability to the public. The paper focuses on the health care sector where four main actors are involved in the different horizontal and vertical administrative levels. The results are that all of the four dimensions economy, efficiency, effectiveness and accountability are accommodated to some extend but not by one and the same actor or administrative level. Pioneering for the domain of "reintegrating disabled people into society", an agreement on objectives, dealing with and integrating all of the four mentioned dimensions, will be established in 2010. For sure, the financial perspective (and with this the focus on efficiency and economy issues) will remain important also within the agreement on objectives. However, when it comes to the perspective of the customers, a chance is seen that accountability will get more weight in the budgeting process in the social welfare administration.
Zeitraum24 Juni 201026 Juni 2010
Ereignistitel6th Transatlantic Dialogue
VeranstaltungstypKeine Angaben