Carlsberg A/S in India: Market Entry Strategy in Oligopolistic Industires

  • Anne Kristin Hoenen (Ko-Autor*in)
  • Michael W. Hansen (Ko-Autor*in)

Aktivität: VortragVortrag auf sonstiger Veranstaltung (Science-to-Professionals/Public)


Firms internationalize for many reasons and a rich body of literature exists to explain what determines foreign market entry strategies. Contemporary literature predominantly views entry strategy dimensions of where, when, and how as driven by firm-level capabilities and the quest for economic efficiency gains or asset-based benefits at firm-level. Yet, based on a longitudinal case study of the foreign market entry venture of Carlsberg A/S into India, we find that these dominant theoretical perspectives on drivers of firms' internationalization behavior can be complemented by perspectives that more strongly account for strategic interaction in global oligopolistic industries. Based on our findings, we develop a conceptual model of market entry strategy that integrates industry-level characteristics.
Zeitraum12 Okt. 2011
EreignistitelResearch Talk at Copenhagen Business School, Center for Business and Development Studies
VeranstaltungstypKeine Angaben