CAS "Integral Economics"

  • Spiekermann-Hoff, S. (Teilnehmer*in)
  • Christine Schliesser (Teilnehmer*in)
  • Luigino Bruni (Teilnehmer*in)

Aktivität: Veranstaltung: Teilnahme oder OrganisationTeilnahme Konferenz, Workshop, Tagung


This lecture series and program inviting especially third world country scholars introduces its participants to the fundamental purpose of economics and entrepreneurship and to acknowledge the significant role of faith and theology in shaping economic processes. Participants of the CAS «Integral Economics – Incorporating Sustainability, Ethics & Faith» spend twelve months dealing with twelve major themes, which are fundamental to the Christian faith and to a theologically informed perspective on work, values and business ethics.
Zeitraum27 Okt. 202328 Okt. 2023
OrtSchweizAuf Karte anzeigen