City-regions in a global world

Aktivität: VortragWissenschaftlicher Vortrag (Science-to-Science)


Why have some regions grown rich while others have remained poor? This is a recurrent question in the literature on economic growth. Economic growth theorists have emphasized the role of externalities in the accumulation of factors of production in explaining growth (Romer 1986, Grossman and Helpman 1991), but typically assume that knowledge spill overs to other agents within the region, but not to other regions, and hence ignore the impact of location and neighbourhood in explaining growth. This paper presents a theoretical growth model that explicitly takes into account technological interdependence among regional economies in a Mankiw-Romer-Weil world (Fischer 2014). Technological interdependence is assumed to operate through physical and human externalities. The magnitude of the physical and human capital externalities at steady state is estimated using the reduced form of this theoretical model and its associated empirical model along with data for a system of 198 regions across 22 European countries. The results reveal that technological interdependence among regions works through physical rather than human capital externalities across regional borders.
Zeitraum20 Nov. 201421 Nov. 2014
EreignistitelWorkshop on Governance of Complex Spatial Systems, Urban Cyberplaces and Digital Intelligence, Rabat