Comparing different scales types and formats for measuring consumer knowledge

  • Karin Teichmann (Ko-Autor*in)
  • Andreas Zins (Ko-Autor*in)

Aktivität: VortragWissenschaftlicher Vortrag (Science-to-Science)


In the consumer behaviour literature consumer knowledge evolved as a multi-dimensional
construct. This study investigates the impact of different scale types and formats on three
related aspects consumer knowledge in the context of leisure travelling: consumer selfconfidence,
expertise and experience/familiarity. Applying an experimental 3 (different
knowledge aspects) x 3 (scale types: Likert, comparative, graphical) x 3 (response formats:
3-, 5- and 7- points) three-point response formats showed some systematic weaknesses
concerning internal consistency as well as skewness. Contrary to previous findings,
comparative scale types had the worst results followed by Likert-type scale types.
Consistently the best outcome was achieved from graphical scales using icons or pictograms
as scale anchors when using 5-point scales followed by 7-point response formats.
Zeitraum30 Nov. 20092 Dez. 2009
EreignistitelANZMAC Conference
VeranstaltungstypKeine Angaben