Content Moderation: How social media companies deal with balancing freedom of expression and personality rights

Aktivität: VortragWissenschaftlicher Vortrag (Science-to-Science)


Our research addresses elements pertaining to social media content moderation, e.g. questions of too much versus too little content moderation on social media from two disciplinary perspectives. Specifically, it presents a legal analysis of the dilemma of overblocking versus underblocking content with a focus on the social media giant Facebook. This is complemented with a discourse analysis of Facebook’s outwardly directed information on this matter (i.e. in the form of its content policies). Facebook has to balance the protection of users’ right to freedom of expression versus their personality rights. Here, it has to deal with notable and persistent legal uncertainty but still discursively navigate the field of tension between removing and retaining content in a manner comprehensible and retraceable for users.
Zeitraum25 Feb. 202127 Feb. 2021
EreignistitelIRIS 2021 - Internationales Rechtsinformatik Symposion
VeranstaltungstypKeine Angaben

Österreichische Systematik der Wissenschaftszweige (ÖFOS)

  • 505
  • 505011 Menschenrechte
  • 602008 Anglistik
  • 505005 Geistiges Eigentum
  • 602004 Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft