Over the last decades, there has been a lively debate on the convergence, divergence, or stasis of human resource management (HRM) regimes. Contextual embeddedness offers one line of explaining differences in HRM regimes. In this paper, we explore the institutional context of HRM by applying economic institutionalist theory (North, 1999) that distinguishes between formal institutions (e.g. national rules and legislation) and informal institutions (e.g. culture). In a systematic literature review, we investigate the influence of these institutions on the adoption of non-standard work arrangements (e.g. part-time contracts, remote work). Our preliminary results of the empirical evidence indicate that national regulations and cultural dimensions allow us to explain substantial differences in the prevalence of non-standard work arrangements across countries. Drawing on these preliminary findings, we offer some suggestions of how to conceptualize context and how it shapes HRM systems.Zeitraum | 16 Sept. 2021 → 17 Sept. 2021 |
Ereignistitel | VHB Kommission Personalwirtschaft Herbstworkshop |
Veranstaltungstyp | Keine Angaben |
Bekanntheitsgrad | International |