Adding a new dynamic scripting language to is possible by exploiting the Java based scripting framework. However, programming and remote-controlling with the "Unified Network Objects (UNO)" framework can be quite challenging. As a result, it is quite difficult to teach/train end-user programmers to automate (remote-control) the different document types. Therefore, dynamic scripting languages like OOo Basic or Python provide support for easing programming of OOo, e.g. by implicitly carrying out queryInterface()-calls and as such alleviating the (end-user) programmer from this sometimes pesky task. Introducing new dynamic scripting languages to OOo will most likely challenge the implementer for creating an appropriate scripting language support specifically for This presentation will use the "Open Object Rexx (ooRexx)" dynamic scripting language as an example and discusses the many fold possibilities of creating support for OOo. As the author of such an OOo supporting infrastructure who also has been gaining experiences with end-user type of programmers (students at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration) for more than two years by now, the most important pros and cons of such a specific support will be talked and discussed about. Goal: the audience will learn the most important areas of programming for which specific support could and should be created for new scripting languages. However, it also should become aware of thinking about trade-offs between creating too much and too few such support.
5 Nov. 2008 → 7 Nov. 2008
Ereignistitel Conference 2008
Keine Angaben
Österreichische Systematik der Wissenschaftszweige (ÖFOS)