Divine occupation? Religious practices and work engagement across different contexts

Aktivität: VortragWissenschaftlicher Vortrag (Science-to-Science)


Despite being a substantial part of employees’ identity, religion is a diversity dimension that has been neglected by mainstream research in careers and human resource management. This paper addresses this gap and investigates the relationship between religion and work engagement. Building on recent extensions to the job demand resources model (JD-R), we argue that religious practice constitutes a resource that positively affects work engagement. Drawing on data from the 5C career project, we analyze the data of 14,079 survey respondents across 29 countries. The results from our multi-level model show a positive effect of religious practice on work engagement.
Zeitraum16 Sept. 202117 Sept. 2021
EreignistitelVHB Kommission Personalwirtschaft Herbstworkshop
VeranstaltungstypKeine Angaben