Evaluating the first Inverted Classroom Model (ICM) economics course of the Vienna University of Economics and Business

  • Gillian Joanne Foster (Ko-Autor*in)
  • Stagl, S. (Ko-Autor*in)

Aktivität: VortragWissenschaftlicher Vortrag (Science-to-Science)


Introduction: Can the Inverted Classroom Model (ICM), a teaching tool most often used with undergraduates, be applied to postgraduate learners in economics and sustainability? ICM, also known as the “flipped classroom”, replaces the classroom lecture with active student involvement in experiential learning activities in class, whilst the core course content is provided using digital tools and video lectures, possibly in addition to readings, before the students arrive at class. In 2016, the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) brought ICM to its postgraduate economics students for the first time. The authors of this paper used ICM to teach behavioural economics, a core course in the Masters in Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy (SEEP) as a pilot for using ICM in a sustainability education context. This paper makes recommendations based on the analysis of survey data to improve teaching.
Zeitraum22 Aug. 201624 Aug. 2016
Ereignistitel21st European Economics Education Conference, Association of European Economics Education
VeranstaltungstypKeine Angaben