In some conceptions lay theories about language (incl. the so called subjective theories) have nothing to do with language awareness, in other conceptions like the one represented here lay theories are seen as located on a language awareness continuum which starts with attention, noticing etc. phenomena and finally ends with explicit theories. If taken seriously, the continuum mentioned before does not end with lay, but also includes objective, scientific theories.
In this paper we will try to show and explain why folk linguistics and language awareness are particularly relevant notions for applied linguistics from many different points of view (e.g. language awareness in language didactics and in sociolinguistics; applied linguistics as the popularizing branch of linguistics [and therefore near to folk theories]; awareness raising as general leitmotiv in many subareas of applied linguistics).
Tagung Universität Erfurt Juni 2007
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Österreichische Systematik der Wissenschaftszweige (ÖFOS)