From Green Deal to grim deal - energy discourse between corporate spin and nationalism

Aktivität: VortragWissenschaftlicher Vortrag (Science-to-Science)


The EU Green Deal poses severe challenges for the energy sector in CEE, which still strongly relies on coal. Moreover, some CEE governments, mostly right-wing and populist ones, raise anti-EU sentiments claiming that the EU environmental regulations are a threat to their countries’ energy safety and independence and thus to their sovereignty. As a consequence, the discourse of energy and energy transition in these countries is located at the intersection of economics and politics and addresses environmental issues rather as a by-product.
This paper examines the layering of such discourses in the case of the Turów-lignite mine, located in the Czech-Polish-German borderlands and operated by the Polish energy company PGE.
Zeitraum15 Juni 202217 Juni 2022
VeranstaltungstypKeine Angaben

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