Inflation Linked Derivatives: Pricing Model for a Multi-Country Setting

Aktivität: VortragWissenschaftlicher Vortrag (Science-to-Science)


In this study we propose an arbitrage pricing model for inflation linked derivative instruments. We
consider a multi-country setting where domestic and foreign nominal and real bonds are traded. Imposing
no-arbitrage assumption immediately yields the usual definition of real exchange rate (RER).
Moreover we get drift conditions, implied by the no-arbitrage, for real and nominal term structures of
the domestic and foreign economies. Assuming martingale property for the the real exchange rate we
find a relation between the real interest rates of the two economies. Introducing a forward contract into
our model results with the forward real exchange rate which can be written in terms of the price of the
domestic and foreign inflation indexed bonds.
Zeitraum7 Sept. 200814 Sept. 2008
EreignistitelEuropean Summer School in Financial Mathematics
VeranstaltungstypKeine Angaben