Introducing the enterpriseness of business families: A research agenda

    Aktivität: VortragWissenschaftlicher Vortrag (Science-to-Science)


    The paper describes the development of an agenda for research on business families on the basis of a conceptual framework employing systems theory. Although the family’s structures and processes can have a major impact on the family business, the family as the reciprocal system of the business has received little attention in family business research. Business families are faced with demands from family and business which need to be managed in a way that neither the family nor the business system is discriminated in the long run. Successful business families therefore develop “enterpriseness” in the sense of accepting manifest and latent business-related rules and logics as parts of their family life or even acknowledging their identity-generating value. Thus, analog to the familiness of family businesses that expresses the family’s influence on the business, the enterpriseness of business families captures the influence of the business on the family. Based on the concept of familiness, this paper develops a supplementary research agenda that addresses the involvement, essence and identity dimension of business families and elaborates a conceptually grounded set of research questions for academic inquiry.
    Zeitraum25 Mai 201727 Mai 2017
    Ereignistitel13th EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Research
    VeranstaltungstypKeine Angaben