Many Studies indicate that Germany is the world's logistics leader. One of its drivers is due to its brilliant logistics education. This study provides a general overview of logistics education system in Germany. Based on a semi-systematic literature review, the innovative design and dynamical im-provement of logistics education was been catego-rized into five interrelated stages. Using logical framework approach (LFA), it was developed a logi-cal framework of logistics education system (LFles). The LFles shows the interrelations between the vari-ous stages. Furthermore, it was explored that the dynamical respondence of demand for education from the labour market and the feedback from the learners are the most important determinants for successful fulfilment of the goals for the education. This paper is the first attempt to provide a logical systematic framework of logistics education with a strong focus in Germany. Replication in countries should undertake to validate the framework in the future.Zeitraum | 25 Juli 2010 → 26 Juli 2010 |
Ereignistitel | 2010 International Conference on Higher Education Development (CHED2010) |
Veranstaltungstyp | Keine Angaben |
Bekanntheitsgrad | International |