Mad about Method: Challenges and Opportunities at the CDA/CL interface It’s been more than 20 years since Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) started engaging with corpus linguistics (CL): time to take stock, and to look back as well as forward. The mixed-methods approach was originally developed in response to criticism that CDA’s empirical foundations were shaky, its data cherry-picked, and its analyses biased. Has that promise been fulfilled? While the combination of CDA and CL makes it possible to examine large corpora from a critical angle, key epistemological issues remain. What is the nature of the evidence thus gleaned? How do large-corpus data, both quantitative and qualitative, affect the research process, particularly at the interpretation stage? Furthermore, in discourse studies more generally – across a range of disciplines such as sociology and Management studies – the integration of CL is still not part of the mainstream methodological canon; their hero is Foucault, not Sinclair. Conversely, the range, scope and sophistication of CL tools are increasing, but do not necessarily stay tuned to the social significance of discourse-incontext. There is no shortage of inter- and intradisciplinary divides, then. Can they be overcome? And what are the obstacles to joined-up thinking? These are all questions which my talk will not be able to answer, but which I believe need to be asked in order for the dialogue between CL and CDA to remain insightful and inspiring.Zeitraum | 30 Juni 2016 → 3 Juli 2016 |
Ereignistitel | Plenary Speaker at the 'Corpora and Discourse International Conference'. |
Veranstaltungstyp | Keine Angaben |
Bekanntheitsgrad | International |