In response to international requirements to improve the basis of measures of government output and productivity an approach is being developed in the UK to reflecting the welfare gain from social care services. The aim is use routine sources as far as possible in an index that is designed to allow changes in characteristics of services, of service users and quality of care. Services are described in terms of the capacity of service users to benefit (CtB) from them and a quality measure applied to reflect the degree to which services do actually deliver this benefit. The measurement of CtB and outcome is undertaken using the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit (ASCOT). The presentation reports on a study investigating the application of ASCOT to the measurement of outputs of residential care for older people and people with learning disabilities. A study of 741 residents in 173 care homes collected in depth information about their experiences and current and expected social care related quality of life (SCRQOL) in the absence of services. Fieldwork was conducted close to the timing of inspections of the homes and data collected about the inspection and regulators quality ratings based on these. Measures of CtB and outcomes were weighted using population preference weights. Multilevel modelling was used to relate individual and home characteristics, including these quality ratings to individual CtB and outcome gain. Individual resident CtB was highly associated with individual measures of activities of daily living, communication problems and mental state, which could be routinely collected from homes, including EQ5D. CtB was also associated with the quality of homes, with higher quality homes caring for people with higher levels of CtB.Zeitraum | 7 Juli 2010 → 10 Juli 2010 |
Ereignistitel | 8th European Conference on Health Economics |
Veranstaltungstyp | Keine Angaben |
Bekanntheitsgrad | International |