Myth or reality: The economic eff ect of (de)regulating Engineering professions

  • Leo Chini (Redner*in)

Aktivität: VortragVortrag auf sonstiger Veranstaltung (Science-to-Professionals/Public)


The deregulatory approaches in regard to professional regulation are based on the European Commission’s firm believe in the positive economic eff ect of such measures. Therefore it is necessary to examine existing studies on the topic critically. Many of them have broad and non-specific approaches that do not consider specific requirements of diff erent categories of services. The Research Institute for Liberal Professions at the Vienna University of Economics and Business has conducted a study on the impact of de-regulatory measures on liberal professions in Austria. It led to results that did not confirm the European Commission’s thesis. An especially important aspect for all studies is the preliminary question, how legal restrictiveness is measured adequately. In its communication on reform recommendations for regulation in professional services the European Commission has presented a new indicator measuring the intensity of restrictiveness of national regulation as regards access to and exercise of regulated professions. It is a composite indicator because considering a large number of restriction types, from regulatory form and qualification requirements to exercise restrictions such as limitations on multidisciplinary activities, corporate structure restrictions, and other entry restrictions such as the compulsory membership to professional organisations and brings them into one figure. The level of restrictiveness of every measure is assessed and quantified. The composite indicator gives an assessment of the cumulative restriction level of all these measures taken together. As deregulation is a potential hazard to service quality the Research Institute for Liberal Professions has critically looked into the structure and the impact of the indicator using the example of national regulation for architects and civil engineers.
Zeitraum5 Okt. 2017
Ereignistitel3rd European Engineers Day - "Concerns about Engineering Excellence"
VeranstaltungstypKeine Angaben