This case study deals with the main opportunities, challenges and learnings gathered during an outdoor social skills training (OSST) with a group (N=15; 8 male, 7 female) of socially excluded people with mental and/or addictive disorders (e.g. primary diagnosis: major depression, alcoholism and substance abuse, schizophrenia, borderline). The OSST is part of a community-based mental and physical healthcare program for socially excluded people living in Vienna, Austria. The program is run by a small non-profit organization, called Login, offering a wide range of indoor and outdoor group activities (e.g. karatedo, yoga, bike tours, volleyball, soccer) as well as group counselling (e.g. psychotherapy, awareness trainings) for a minimum membership fee of 5 Euro per month. Participants are mainly referred by psychiatric and rehabilitation clinics, homelessness organizations and social care institutions. The OSST is based on the concept of IOA (Integrative Outdoor Activities) and combines trust building activities, team challenges, and low events with debriefing and reflection sessions - considering the wide and diverse range of the participants` competences and capabilities (physical, emotional, mental, cognitive, intellectual and verbal). The aim of the OSST is to facilitate positive group experiences and further develop their personal and social skills concerning interaction, communication, emotion regulation and empathy. In my presentation, I will focus on the challenges and learnings of dealing with such a heterogeneous group of people in a threefold way: (1) Selection, assessment and adaptation of outdoor activities (e.g. low events, team challenges) considering the capabilities of the diverse target group. (2) Challenges emerged and learnings gathered through a five weeks (3 hours per week) OSST in autumn 2018. (3) Outline of a quasi-experimental research design exploring the impact of the OSST on several outcome measures (e.g. clinical symptoms, social skills, socZeitraum | 27 Sept. 2019 → 29 Sept. 2019 |
Ereignistitel | EOE Network Conference |
Veranstaltungstyp | Keine Angaben |
Bekanntheitsgrad | International |