Presentation of the study "Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe: Monitoring 2019."

  • Meyer, M. (Ko-Autor*in)
  • Flavia-Elvira Bogorin (Ko-Autor*in)

Aktivität: VortragVortrag auf sonstiger Veranstaltung (Science-to-Professionals/Public)


WU and ERSTE Foundation have taken a further step to investigate Civil Society in 15 CEE countries, and to reflect on how civil society organizations experience recent changes, opportunities and threats in their environment. Thus, the project builds upon and updates the CEE study published in May 2017, which has already become a much-cited and helpful source for researchers, civil society actors, foundations, and international funders. The actual study intends to be a starting point for a regular tracking of the state of the civil societies.
Zeitraum28 Juni 2019
EreignistitelCivil Society Inside and Out. The EU & Civil Society in CEE and how it is talked about in Social Media. ERSTE Foundation.
VeranstaltungstypKeine Angaben