Real estate development in Bratislava and Vienna

  • Gunther Maier (Ko-Autor*in)
  • Slavomir Ondos (Ko-Autor*in)
  • Sabine Sedlacek (Ko-Autor*in)

Aktivität: VortragWissenschaftlicher Vortrag (Science-to-Science)


The Central European area has received a series of strong growth impulses originated in external and internal environment during the past two decades. Transforming geopolitical situation above the melted former communist bloc in the late 1980s ending with the practical disappearance of political borders between the countries in 2007, the forces related with reshuffled regional economy in a globalizing context, and a new-established base for socio-cultural synergy have various effects on the region's human sphere. The best starting position in new conditions belongs to the economic managerial centers, the national capital cities, disposed with sufficient concentration of profit-creating forces related factors including human capital, services demand and diversified economic base resulting in exceptional economic growth rates. The Vienna-Bratislava area (part of the CENTROPE region) is one of the most dynamic among them thanks to advantage of its unique configuration merging into an increasingly recognized single spatial-economic unit. Its elevated dynamism is clearly visible in the intra-urban scale of the cities and we would like to approach it through the selected characteristics of their current real estate markets. Economic growth dramatically pushed the demand in all basic segments (housing, office and retail), which is currently met by the expanding supply side, including possible speculation, heading towards a new market equilibrium. One of the core projects in the CENTROPE region is the Vienna-Bratislava twin city concept. It is intended to develop the whole corridor region including both cities which induces spatial and real estate development in the whole region. The hypothesis underpinned is that the cities will mainly tie up the real estate investment especially in the office and retail market.
Zeitraum27 Aug. 200831 Aug. 2008
Ereignistitel48th Congress of the European Regional Science Association
VeranstaltungstypKeine Angaben

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