This paper investigates how a firm’s customer base shapes its investor clientele. We show that more concentrated customer base is associated with higher holdings of short-term, but not long-term, institutional investors. The results remain unchanged after addressing endogeneity concerns and considering short sellers as short-term investors. This evidence is consistent with the public information transfer channel, where short-term investors are able to process public, but slowly diffusing, supply chain information ahead of other market participants. Further evidence suggests that the link between customer concentration and short-term institutional ownership is stronger in the environment of high information asymmetry, as well as after the passage of Reg FD reform. Overall, our results suggest that the implications of a concentrated customer base extend beyond their impact on the product market space and key firm characteristics and that it affects shareholder composition.
21 Sept. 2018 → 23 Sept. 2018
Northern Finance Association Annual Conference
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Österreichische Systematik der Wissenschaftszweige (ÖFOS)