Single Female Self-Initiated Expatriates' Experiences: The Hungarian Case

  • Nora Szücs (Redner*in)

Aktivität: VortragWissenschaftlicher Vortrag (Science-to-Science)


The purpose of this article is to explore how singlism shapes Hungarian female self-initiated expatriates’ (female SIEs) experiences. Through a hermeneutic epistemological approach unstructured interviews were analyzed. The findings are presented in a case study through several interpretation circles. Single Hungarian female SIEs experience deliberation abroad, they increase their self-agencies and have endless opportunities for self-development & -fulfilment. Nonetheless, the new, expatriate lifestyle also evokes inner conflict in them due to its discrepancy with the home -country gender expectations, furthermore, the deliberation goes with loneliness as well as hard work for establishing intimate social ties. Similar implications have been made for the general single female SIE literature as well. The findings of the paper contribute to a more complete understanding about female SIEs expatriates and suggest exploring the feminine implications of male expatriate issues (agency, development, fulfilment), and also to extend them with the topics that are more relevant for women (social ties, loneliness, gender expectations).
Zeitraum15 Sept. 201616 Sept. 2016
Ereignistitel6th EIASM workshop on Expatriation
VeranstaltungstypKeine Angaben