Stereotypes and certain forms of biases exert negative effects on employees’ performance and personal well-being. Due to heuristic processing, humans put others at a potential disadvantage by wrongfully attributing characteristics to them - mostly undesirable. There is evidence, that employees have been stereotyped and negatively evaluated or even devalued by clients, colleagues, or bosses because of personal characteristics, the affiliation to a stigmatized organization, or the working activity they perform (e.g. Mikolon et al., 2016; Linzmajer et al., 2020). Accordingly, the stereotype of the “lazy and inefficient public sector employee” is very present and highly discussed in and outside the public sector (e.g. Hvidman & Andersen, 2016; Marvel, 2015; Willems, 2020). But despite its salience, relatively little is known about how awareness of this negative stereotype influences public sector employees’ job related attitudes or behavior. This stereotype-awareness might create a threatening environment, particularly to the one this stereotype refers to.The goal of the current experimental research is to examine whether participants with public sector employment identification experience stereotype threat and how this threat effects their job-related performance. By using a one factorial between-subject design, it investigates whether stereotype threat is effecting job related task performance, personal initiative, work conscientiousness and monitoring behavior and tests the mediating role of perceived self-efficacy.
Zeitraum | 1 Sept. 2020 |
Ereignistitel | EGPA Virtual Tutorial for PhD Students and Junior Researchers |
Veranstaltungstyp | Keine Angaben |
Bekanntheitsgrad | International |