Abstract:Overindebted people seem to be vulnerable in multiple ways with serious effects on their personal wellbeing and social life. Numeracy becomes in this situation an essential key to cope with everyday financial demands. The session, chaired by Prof. Dr. Harald Ansen, approaches this topic from different perspectives: First Mag. Eva More-Hollerweger explores the impact of debt advice. When people fall into the overindebtedness trap, it is often difficult for them to escape. Debt advice services help debtors to gain an overview over their financial situation and develop a coping strategy. With this support, debtors often succeed in escaping the negative spiral of financial problems. Dr. Mattes then raises the question of what over-indebtedness is the answer to in the context of the welfare state. The understanding of the problem of over-indebtedness is discussed in the scientific debate largely on the basis of precarious life situations of people with high indebtedness. Another approach asks which welfare state conditions lead to high household indebtedness? How does the welfare state as a creditor realize its social responsibility towards overindebted people? Finally, Katharina Angermeier examines the understanding of numeracy practices in debt advice services.
Zeitraum | 15 Nov. 2018 → 16 Nov. 2018 |
Ereignistitel | Numeracy as Part of Adult (Basic) Education: International and Comparative Perspectives |
Veranstaltungstyp | Keine Angaben |
Bekanntheitsgrad | International |