We aim to analyze and empirically test the interlinkages between formal and informal – in particular culture – institutional influences on companies’ economic, social, and environmental sustainability practices. Drawing on institutional and culture research as well as on the respective developments in these areas, we analyze institutional and cultural effects on firms’ corporate sustainability practices based on a large-scale sample of companies globally. Preliminary exploratory findings indicate that both formal and informal institutional influences have a similar effect on companies’ social and environmental but none on economic sustainability practices. Two of the included culture dimensions (power distance and uncertainty avoidance) interact with formal institutional influences in their effects on corporate sustainability practices. This leads to important implications for theory development related to the nexus between formal and informal institutional elements like the need to consider the types of effects and their interrelations as well as the levels of analysis at which these effects are studied.Zeitraum | 9 Juni 2018 → 10 Juni 2018 |
Ereignistitel | Susilo Symposium 2018 |
Veranstaltungstyp | Keine Angaben |
Bekanntheitsgrad | International |