New technological products often show their negative potential only once they are in widespread use. This motivates the consideration of a technology's impact early in the design process, when its characteristics can still be adjusted. Little empirical research compares different ethical approaches and their usefulness for technology design. In this paper, we present a two-study mixed-method research project where participants analysed three IT products from the perspectives of utilitarianism, virtue ethics, and deontology. Preliminary results show that each of the ethical analyses has its unique focus, with utilitarianism considering the broadest range of stakeholders and values, a clear focus by virtue ethics on individual growth and development, and an emphasis on more generic concepts and values by deontology. Because of their unique foci, we see a potential to combine the three ethical perspectives in the elicitation of value-related ideas.
15 Juni 2020 → 6 Juli 2020
ETHICOMP 2020 [online]
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Österreichische Systematik der Wissenschaftszweige (ÖFOS)