Why Business Students Suceed in their First Year of Higher Education Studies

Aktivität: VortragWissenschaftlicher Vortrag (Science-to-Science)


One out of two students at Vienna University of Economics and Business drop out during their first
year of studies. In order to explore the reasons for this considerable drop out rate, the students'
interests, motivational orientations, learning strategies and grades were examined at the beginning of
their studies as well as at the end of their first year. The longitudinal research design allowed the
analysis of the development of interests, motivation and learning strategies as well as of a regression
model for the explanation of student learning achievement in the first year of studies. The findings
show that during their school days very few students have applied learning strategies that are
considered indispensable for studying successfully, and they apply them even less in their first year of
studies. The students'
-level grades turn out to be the strongest predictor of student achievement,
followed by the students' ability to cope with their fear of failing at exams, their self-efficacy and their
motivational orientiation to suceed in their studies and to improve their competences. The paper is
concluded by a discussion of the results and their implications for designing the introductory phase at
the university and supporting students in their first year.
Zeitraum4 März 20136 März 2013
EreignistitelINTED 2013 Conference
VeranstaltungstypKeine Angaben