Carbon-Cap (Carbon emission mitigation by Consumption-based Accounting and Policy)



EU - Europäische Kommission


Climate policies so far mainly focused on production sectors, applying territorial emission reduction approaches. However, growing consumption is a main driver behind rising greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Against this background, the Carbon-Cap project aims at stimulating innovative demand side oriented climate policies by improved shared insight in consumption emissions and thus realize a more effective policy mix for achieving the objectives of the EU policy packages.
WU contributes to several work packages within Carbon-Cap. The WU team leads the work on identifying options for consumers to reduce their carbon footprints across a large number of product groups and consumption areas, with a focus on indirect GHG emissions along international supply chains. The WU team also leads a task performing comparative assessments of carbon footprints on the product level with several existing carbon footprint models (so-called multi-regional input-output models). Finally, WU also contributes to the analysis of policy options and identifies barriers and drivers for its implementation through qualitative interviews with key stakeholders.
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/10/1331/12/16
