European Wide Service Platform for Green European Transportation

  • Jammernegg, Werner (Projektleitung)
  • Mendling, Jan (Projektleitung)
  • Burgholzer, Wolfgang (Forscher*in)
  • Cabanillas Macias, Cristina (Forscher*in)
  • Czapla, Norbert (Forscher*in)
  • Di Ciccio, Claudio (Forscher*in)
  • Hrusovsky, Martin (Forscher*in)
  • Nolz, Pamela (Forscher*in)
  • Rogetzer, Patricia (Forscher*in)
  • Treitl, Stefan (Forscher*in)



EU - Europäische Kommission


GET Service is a research project in the EU's 7th Framework Programme. The main aim is to develop the European Wide Service Platform for Green European Transportation (GET Service). This will provide transportation planners and drivers of transportation vehicles with the means to plan, re-plan and control transportation routes efficiently and in a manner that reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/10/1230/09/15