ICOPER - Interoperable Content for Performance in a Competency-driven Society

  • Simon, Bernd (Projektleitung)
  • Buchta, Wolfgang (Forscher*in)
  • Müller, Franz (Forscher*in)
  • Najjar, Jehad (Forscher*in)
  • Totschnig, Michael (Forscher*in)



EU - Europäische Kommission


ICOPER is a Best Practice Network co-funded by the eContentplus programme of the European Community. The 30-months-project started in September 2008 and has the mission to collect and develop further best practices for the design, the development and the delivery of interoperable content which supports competency-driven higher education.
The three main objectives of the consortium are

* Analyse and facilitate the adoption of standards and specifications
* Make learning resources accessible
* Validate standards and specifications and condense them into the ICOPER Reference Model (IRM).
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/09/0828/02/11


  • WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Leitung)
  • AGH Wissenschaftlich-Technische Universität (Projektpartner*in)
  • Jyväskylän yliopisto (Projektpartner*in)
  • Giunti Labs (Projektpartner*in)
  • Zentrum für Lehrentwicklung, Universität Wien (Projektpartner*in)
  • University of Leicester (Projektpartner*in)
  • Universität Tallinn (Projektpartner*in)
  • The Open University (Projektpartner*in)
  • Wirtschaftsuniversität Kaunas (Projektpartner*in)
  • Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Projektpartner*in)
  • Høgskolen i Oslo (Projektpartner*in)
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Projektpartner*in)
  • University of Cyprus (Projektpartner*in)
  • National Center of Scientific Research Demokritos (Projektpartner*in)
  • Fernuniversität der Niederlande - Open University (Projektpartner*in)
  • Hautes Etudes Commerciales (Projektpartner*in)
  • Institut National des Télécommunications (Projektpartner*in)
  • imc information multimedia communication AG (Projektpartner*in)
  • Institute "Jozef Stefan", Ljubljana (Projektpartner*in)
  • Synergetics (Projektpartner*in)