Material- und Rohstoffinputindikatoren ( Raw Material Input Indicators)





The over-arching goal of this project is to support the German Federal Government in the further development of indicators of raw material usage and resource efficiency on the European level. This goal must be understood in relation to the Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe and ProgRess – the German programme for resource efficiency. Both of these initiatives aim to increase resource efficiency in production and consumption. Indicators are essential for performance measurement and communication of goal achievement.
The goals of this research project are:
• The facilitation of methodological harmonization through greater exchange between researchers and official statistics offices.
• The investigation of existing indicators and their underlying methodologies for their need for further development.
• The harmonization of available datasets and through it the reduction of existing data-related inconsistencies between the individual raw material input metrics.
• The establishment of a process of increased cooperation among relevant stakeholders with the goal of reaching harmonisation and quality improvement regarding applied calculation methodologies and resource use indicators.
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende30/06/1430/09/15
