SustPM - Nachhaltige Entwicklung und Projektmanagement



Project Management Institute


Sustainable development is considered in societies and companies and receives increasing attention. The concept of sustainable development in projects is rarely considered in research and, in particular, the challenges and potentials of sustainable development in project management have not yet been researched in depth.

In the research project SustPM, we seek to address this research gap and relate the concept of sustainable development to project management. The objectives of the research project are as follows:
- Analyze if sustainable development is implicitly considered in project management.
- Conceptualize how sustainable development can be explicitly considered in project management.
- Analyze which challenges and potentials arise from the consideration of sustainable development in project management.
- Draft instruments for explicitly considering sustainable development in project management.

The research is based on a systemic-constructivistic research paradigm and a qualitative research approach. The authors will apply case studies of project-oriented companies and a series of interviews with sustainability and project management practitioners. The project started in January 2010 and will end in October 2011.

The research project SustPM is conducted by project management researchers of the PROJEKTMANAGEMENT GROUP (PMG) and sustainability researchers from the Research Institute for Managing Sustainability (RIMAS), Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria, lead by Professor Roland Gareis. The research team consists of Dr. Martina Huemann (PMG), Associate Professor Andre Martinuzzi (RIMAS), Dr. Michal Sedlacko (RIMAS) and Mag. Claudia Weninger (PMG).
Tatsächlicher Beginn/ -es Ende1/01/1015/10/11