A Guide to Conducting School Experiments: Expert Insights and Best Practices for Effective Implementation

Kerstin Grosch, Simone Haeckl, Holger Andreas Rau, Paul Preuss

Publikation: Working/Discussion PaperWorking Paper/Preprint


This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the distinct characteristics of school experiments conducted with children in preschools and schools. We investigate and describe the essential considerations involved in designing and implementing such experiments, drawing insights from a survey conducted with senior researchers. Moreover, the guide summarizes nine key lessons learned from the experiences of these researchers. The paper also presents the opinions of inexperienced researchers in school experiments (juniors) on crucial aspects of successful school experiments, which differ from the opinions of the experienced senior researchers. As a result, this guide serves as a valuable resource for junior researchers embarking on their initial school experiments. By promoting the adoption of best practices endorsed by senior researchers, it strengthens the validity and reliability of school experiments.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 21 Juni 2023


  • school experiments
  • guide
  • internal validity
  • survey
