Automated Resource Allocation in Business Processes with Answer Set Programming

Giray Havur, Cristina Cabanillas Macias, Axel Polleres, Jan Mendling

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/KonferenzbandBeitrag in Konferenzband


Human resources are of central importance for executing and supervising business processes. An optimal resource allocation can dramatically improve undesirable consequences of resource shortages. However, existing approaches for resource allocation have some limitations, e.g., they do not consider concurrent process instances or loops in business processes, which may greatly alter resource requirements. This paper introduces a novel approach for automatically allocating resources to process activities in a time optimal way that is designed to tackle the aforementioned shortcomings. We achieve this by representing the resource allocation problem in Answer Set Programming (ASP), which allows us to model the problem in an extensible, modular, and thus maintainable way, and which is supported by various efficient solvers.
Titel des SammelwerksBusiness Process Management Workshops 2015
Herausgeber*innen Manfred Reichert and Hajo Reijers
ErscheinungsortInnsbruck, Austria
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2015

Österreichische Systematik der Wissenschaftszweige (ÖFOS)

  • 101013 Mathematische Logik
  • 102001 Artificial Intelligence
  • 502026 Personalmanagement
