Control In Agile IS Development Projects: Looking Beyond Agency Theory

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Information systems development (ISD) project control has been traditionally seen as a tool against agency concerns, i.e. to align the interests of project participants with the organization’s interests. However, this perspective barely fits into the agile worldview. Agile methods, that became popular choices for ISD projects, shifted away from the commander role of project leaders, and propagate the importance of collaboration and facilitation. Therefore, it became ambiguous why project managers of agile ISD projects engage in control activities. This qualitative study employs the “Gioia method” to investigate managerial reasons for these exercises and draws attention to the range of problems and needs these procedures can address. The analysis found that control mechanisms are enacted not only due to agency concerns, but also to enhance cooperation and communication, to signal to senior management and to become isomorphic with other projects.
Titel des SammelwerksProcedia Computer Science, Volume 181
Herausgeber*innen Centeris 2020
Seiten3 - 14
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2021


ReiheProcedia Computer Science
