Cyber Security Incident Response

Paul Smith, Tania Wallis, Christina Skouloudi, Konstantinos Moulinos, Daniel dos Santos, Jalal Bouhdada, Marcel Kulicke, Alexander Harsch, Marius Staggenborg, Aleksander Wiśniewski, Alexander Novotny, Michael Knuchel, Dmytro Cherkashyn, Andreas Seiler, Ivan Dragnev

Publikation: Buch, Herausgeberschaft, BerichtForschungsbericht/Gutachten


The whitepaper describes best practices for cybersecurity incident response management in the energy sector. It addresses the incident response phases from preparation for incidents, detection and analysis, containment, eradication and recovery, to post-incident activities. An incident example use case is provided.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2020
