Extended Working Life Policies Country Experiences: Chapter 8 Austria

Barbara Haas, Michaela Gstrein, Roland Bildsteiner

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Thischapterdealswiththelabourmarketsituationofolder(50+)workers and pension policies in Austria, a country where gender differences are strongly pronounced over the entire lifecourse. The target of recent policies is not primarily to tackle the negative effects of the system for women, but to decrease pension costs by discouraging early retirement and inducing employers to keep and/or employ older workers. However, this will have some gendered effects since recent policy changes will increase women’s lower legal retirement age stepwise (60) to match that of men(65) in2033. Although caring timealready partly contributes topension payments, this does not substantially decrease the large gender pension gap.

Keywords Gender·Extended working life·Austrian pension system·Health· Pension policies
Titel des SammelwerksExtended Working Life Policies: International Gender and Health Perspectives
Herausgeber*innen Áine Ní Léime, Jim Ogg, Martina Rasticova, Debra Street, Clary Krekula, Monika Bédiová and Ignacio Madero-Cabib
VerlagSpringer Cham
Seiten141 - 152
ISBN (Print)978-3-030-40984-5
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2020

Österreichische Systematik der Wissenschaftszweige (ÖFOS)

  • 502053 Volkswirtschaftslehre
  • 502027 Politische Ökonomie
  • 502042 Umweltökonomie
  • 502030 Projektmanagement
  • 504030 Wirtschaftssoziologie
