Fixing comparative preferences for SPARQL

Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Axel Polleres, David Martin

Publikation: KonferenzbeitragKonferenzposter


Preferences have been part of the goal of the Semantic Web from its inception, but are not currently part of any Semantic Web standards, such as SPARQL. Several proposals have been made to add comparative preferences to SPARQL. Comparative preferences are based on comparing solutions to a query and eliminating ones that come out worse in the comparison, as in searching for gas stations and eliminating any for which there is a closer station serving the same brand of gasoline. The proposals each add an extra construct to SPARQL filtering out non-preferred query solutions. Their preference constructs are of different expressive power but they can each be thought of as providing a skyine operator. In this poster we fix several technical problems of these existing proposals.
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2018
