title = "Informelle Pflege und Betreuung {\"a}lterer Menschen durch erwerbst{\"a}tige Personen in Wien. Darstellung von Dimension und Struktur auf Basis bisheriger Erhebungen.",
abstract = "Overview of relavant satistical data sources, statistical sources on caring and informal care, surveys conducted by research institutes,census by Statistik Austria, Care needs of the elderly in Vienna, informal care and support of the elderly. (author´s abstract)",
author = "Reinhard Jung and Birgit Trukeschitz and Ulrike Schneider",
year = "2007",
doi = "10.57938/0d0e9f46-6180-4176-a323-71c346260a17",
language = "Deutsch ({\"O}sterreich)",
series = "Forschungsberichte des WU Forschungsinstituts f{\"u}r Alters{\"o}konomie",
number = "2/2007",
publisher = "Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r Alters{\"o}konomie, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business",
type = "WorkingPaper",
institution = "Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r Alters{\"o}konomie, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business",