MailOfMine - Analyzing Mail Messages for Mining Artful Collaborative Processes

Claudio Di Ciccio, Massimo Mecella, Monica Scannapieco, Diego Zardetto, Tiziana Catarci

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/KonferenzbandBeitrag in Konferenzband


Artful processes are informal processes typically carried out by those people whose work is mental rather than physical (managers, professors, researchers, engineers, etc.), the so called "knowledge workers". In this paper we propose the MailOfMine approach, to automatically build, on top of a collection of email messages, a set of workflow models that represent the artful processes laying behind the knowledge workers activities.
Titel des SammelwerksData-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis - First International Symposium, SIMPDA 2011, Campione d'Italia, June 29
Herausgeber*innen Karl Aberer, Ernesto Damiani, Tharam Dillon
ErscheinungsortBerlin Heidelberg
Seiten55 - 81
ISBN (Print)978-3-642-34043-7
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Apr. 2012
