Neoclassical theory versus new economic geography. Competing explanations of cross-regional variation in economic development

Bernard Fingleton, Manfred M. Fischer

    Publikation: Working/Discussion PaperWorking Paper/Preprint

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    This paper uses data for 255 NUTS-2 European regions over the period 1995-2003
    to test the relative explanatory performance of two important rival theories seeking to explain
    variations in the level of economic development across regions, namely the neoclassical
    model originating from the work of Solow (1956) and the so-called Wage Equation, which is
    one of a set of simultaneous equations consistent with the short-run equilibrium of new
    economic geography (NEG) theory, as described by Fujita, Krugman and Venables (1999).
    The rivals are non-nested, so that testing is accomplished both by fitting the reduced form
    models individually and by simply combining the two rivals to create a composite model in an
    attempt to identify the dominant theory. We use different estimators for the resulting panel
    data model to account variously for interregional heterogeneity, endogeneity, and temporal
    and spatial dependence, including maximum likelihood with and without fixed effects, two
    stage least squares and feasible generalised spatial two stage least squares plus GMM; also
    most of these models embody a spatial autoregressive error process. These show that the
    estimated NEG model parameters correspond to theoretical expectation, whereas the
    parameter estimates derived from the neoclassical model reduced form are sometimes
    insignificant or take on counterintuitive signs. This casts doubt on the appropriateness of
    neoclassical theory as a basis for explaining cross-regional variation in economic
    development in Europe, whereas NEG theory seems to hold in the face of competition from
    its rival. (authors' abstract)
    HerausgeberWU Vienna University of Economics and Business
    PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Nov. 2008
