Quantitative Planning of Charging Infrastructure in Heterogenous Urban Environments in Germany: A Multi-Period Greenfield Modulation

Niklas Hildebrand, Sebastian Kummer

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/KonferenzbandBeitrag in Konferenzband


By 2050, two-thirds of the world's population will reside in cities. Combined with the conti-
nued electrification of fleets, these dynamic urban settings which quickly change over time re-
quire quantitative and multi-period charging infrastructure planning. To address this gap, this
paper presents a greenfield approach that can be universally applied. In the first step, the target
environment is classified by using vector-field analysis to identify central cities, inner suburbs,
and outer suburbs as distinct areas. Next, the annual electric vehicle (EV) market is projected
and afterward divided into charging need groups based on specific charging behavior. With
this, the percentage share of total energy consumption per group can be determined. The ener-
gy is distributed across home, work, public, and long-distance charging and matched with three
charging levels (level 1, level 2, and fast charging). This allocation, referred to as the charging
mix, assigns a specific technology mix to each environment. To account for multi-periodically
of the model, all metrics influencing the need for charging points over time (population, spatial
dispersion, and modal split) are considered, allowing adjustments in growth scenarios to accom-
modate positive and negative changes. Ultimately, through the development of this greenfield
modulation, it is aimed to close the identified research gap of a planning model that is adaptable
across heterogeneous urban environments and over time. This paper provides a theoretical foun-
dation whose practical application remains to be validated in real-world use cases.
Titel des SammelwerksProceedings of the 1st Jordanian Conference on Logistics in the Mashreq Region (JCLM1)
Untertitel des SammelwerksNovember 14-15 2023, Amman, Jordan & Fulda, Germany
VerlagHochschule Fulda
ISBN (elektronisch)978-3-9826123-0-0
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2024
