The Changing Face of International Business in the Information Age

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/KonferenzbandBeitrag in Sammelwerk


In this chapter, the authors review emerging literature on multidimensional
information age-related phenomena across different disciplines to derive common
themes and topics. The authors then proceed to analyse recent developments
in these fields to provide an interdisciplinary overview of the most
disruptive challenges for MNCs competing in the modern information age.
These challenges include more efficient peer-to-peer communication between
stakeholders, crowd-organisation, globalisation of value chains and the need
to organise knowledge resources. The aim of the chapter is not to review all
information of the age research, but to identify fundamental uncertainties for
MNCs and discuss strategies of tackling such information age phenomena
from an international business perspective.
Titel des SammelwerksProgress in International Business Research 13 - International Business in the Information and Digital Age
Herausgeber*innen Van Tulder R., Verbeke A. & Piscitello L.
ErscheinungsortBingley, UK
VerlagEmerald Group Publishing Limited
Seiten91 - 122
ISBN (Print)978-1-78756-326-1
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2018
