The Gender Equality Principles Assessment - a GLOBAL VALUE tool showcase

Adele Tharani, Armi Temmes, Andrea Farsang, Norma Schönherr, Lucia Reisch

Publikation: Buch, Herausgeberschaft, BerichtForschungsbericht/Gutachten


The Gender Equality Principles (GEP) Assessment is developed by the Gender Equality Initiative (led by the a public-private collaborative between San Francisco Department on the Status of Women, Calvert, and Verité), is a diagnostic self-assessment tool, focusing on gender equality management and performance of an organisation. It aims to help companies assess how well gender equity principles are integrated into workplace practices and company operations. Understanding a company’s impact on sustainable development, and finding ways to manage it best, is not an easy task. With so many tools available, choosing one to invest time in is even more difficult. GLOBAL VALUE tool showcases will make this task easier.
ErscheinungsortVienna, Austria
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2017
