The temporalities of shared mobility practices from an environmental perspective.

Titel in Übersetzung: Zeitliche Charakteristika von shared mobility Praktiken aus einer ökologischen Perspektive

Publikation: Wissenschaftliche FachzeitschriftOriginalbeitrag in FachzeitschriftBegutachtung


To prevent devastating consequences of cli-mate change, a reduction in private car use is essenti-al. However, this form of mobility is highly resistant to change. This resistance is attributed, in part, to its seamless integration into the temporal organization of daily life: it is fast, flexible, available at any time, and often instantly accessible. This is facilitated by car-centred urban planning and legislation. Under these conditions, it is challenging for more environ-mentally friendly mobility practices, such as certain types of shared mobility, to proliferate. The practice theoretical understanding of temporalities developed in the article helps to comprehend the resistance to change in private car use. Furthermore, it explains why predominantly less environmentally friend-ly forms of shared mobility (business-to-consumer free-floating carsharing) have expanded, while more environmentally friendly options like peer-to-peer carsharing or mobility-as-a-service have struggled. The article concludes that an exnovation of the exis-ting car-centred mobility system is indispensable for a transformation of the mobility system.
Titel in ÜbersetzungZeitliche Charakteristika von shared mobility Praktiken aus einer ökologischen Perspektive
Seiten (von - bis)86-104
FachzeitschriftSoziologie und Nachhaltigkeit
AusgabenummerSonderband 3
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 10 Jan. 2024
