Towards The Universal Care Course Model. Care Policies and employment patterns in Austria, The Netherlands and Sweden

Barbara Haas, Margit Hartel

Publikation: Wissenschaftliche FachzeitschriftOriginalbeitrag in FachzeitschriftBegutachtung


The principle aim is to analyse care policies and mothers'
employment patterns in Austria in comparison with The Netherlands and
Sweden. While Sweden fosters a Universal Breadwinner model, Austrian
policies set incentives for mothers to organize private care for their children
for a relatively long period of time, similar to the Caregiver Parity model. The
Netherlands, approaching the Universal Caregiver model, support part-time
integration into the labour market, combined with private part-time caring
facilities for the children. The cross-national comparative approach has been
adopted throughout the description of care policies and the data analysis,
using the European Social Survey. Drawing on the strong cross-national
differences in policies and employment patterns, we outline the main
principles of a Universal Care Course (UCC). The model addresses questions
about how to achieve the ideal of a smooth transition between work and care
in a gender-sensitive way.
Key words: care; policies; employment; Austria; cross-national comparison
Seiten (von - bis)139 - 162
FachzeitschriftEuropean Societies
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Juni 2010
