Urbanization scenarios for Bratislava

Slavomir Ondos

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/KonferenzbandBeitrag in Konferenzband


Settlement system integrates many aspects of the human society
surrounded by and transforming the environment, with its internal
dependencies, spatiotemporal variability, the past and the unknown future.
This paper documents the early experiment with a new strategy examining
urbanization development in Bratislava. A potentially valuable method merges
the assumptions from the existing urbanization concepts with the approach
borrowed from the spectral analysis in basic time series statistics.
Titel des Sammelwerks“NEW” EUROPE AND CHALLENGES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Collection of Papers from the 2nd Forum of Social Sciences PhD Students. International Seminar Bratislava, June 5-8 2008
Herausgeber*innen Friedrich Ebert Stiftung e. V.
Seiten197 - 204
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2008
