From Green Deal to grim deal - energy discourse between corporate spin and nationalism

Activity: Talk or presentationScience to science


The EU Green Deal poses severe challenges for the energy sector in CEE, which still strongly relies on coal. Moreover, some CEE governments, mostly right-wing and populist ones, raise anti-EU sentiments claiming that the EU environmental regulations are a threat to their countries’ energy safety and independence and thus to their sovereignty. As a consequence, the discourse of energy and energy transition in these countries is located at the intersection of economics and politics and addresses environmental issues rather as a by-product.
This paper examines the layering of such discourses in the case of the Turów-lignite mine, located in the Czech-Polish-German borderlands and operated by the Polish energy company PGE.
Period15 Jun 202217 Jun 2022
Event titleESTIDIA
Event typeUnknown
Degree of RecognitionInternational

Austrian Classification of Fields of Science and Technology (ÖFOS)

  • 508007 Communication science
  • 602047 Slavonic studies
  • 602004 General linguistics
  • 602048 Sociolinguistics
  • 602026 Cognitive linguistics
  • 602041 Rhetoric